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  • Lopes, N., Li, T., Zhang, P., Matomela, N., Ikhumhen, H. O. & SÁ, R. M. (2022). Predicting future coastal land use/cover change combining CA-Markov and Sea Level Affecting Marsh Models in the Northwestern Coastline of Guinea-Bissau. Journal of Environmental Management, 327, 116804. .
  • Lopes, N., Li, T., Qian, D., Matomela, N., & SÁ, R. M. (2022). Coastal vulnerability assessment based on multi hazards and bio geophysical parameters. Case study northwestern coastline of Guinea Bissau. Natural Hazards, 114, 989-1013. .
  • Lopes, N., Li, T., Qian, D., Nametso, M., & SÁ, R. M. (2022). Factors influencing coastal land cover change and corresponding impact on habitat quality in the North-western Coastline of Guinea-Bissau (NC-GB). Ocean & Coastal Management 224, 106181. [SCOPUS, IF: 4.295, CiteScore: 6.2, Q1].
  • Wang, X., Li, T., Ikhumhen, H., O., & SÁ, R. M. (2022). Spatio-temporal variability and persistence of PM2.5 concentrations in China using trend analysis methods and Hurst exponent. Atmospheric Pollution Research 13 (1), 101274.
  • Marujo, H. Á., Velez, M. J., Gonçalves S. P., Neto, L. M., Krafft, A. M. & Casais, M. (in prep.). The value of hope: Validation of the Perceived Hope Scale to the Portuguese population. Current Psychology.
  • Marujo, H. Á. (in prep.). Enhancing a culture of peace: the prominence of local community networks and Public Auditions. Journal of Local Development and Society, Special Issue on Local Development for Global Peace Sustainability, Guest Editor Graciela Tonon.
  • Sá, M. R., & Veracini, C. (in prep.). O Porvir Das Políticas Públicas Ambientais Em Portugal Pós Covid-19. Continuidade Ou Transição? Public Sciences & Policies.
  • Cosme, G., Tavares, V., Nobre, G. Lima, C., Sá, R., Rosa, P., & Prata, D. (2021). Cultural differences in vocal emotion recognition: a behavioural and skin conductance study in Portugal and Guinea-Bissau. Psychological Research. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00426-021-01498-2
  • Roque, A. C., Veracini, C., & Brito, C. (2021). Shaping Landscapes: Thinking out on the Interactions between People and Nature in Inter- and Post-disciplinary Narratives. Humanities 10(2), 75; https://doi.org/10.3390/h10020075
  • Veracini C. (2021). Use and trade of non-human animals in Portuguese overseas expansion (15th and 16th centuries): Evidence from Italian travellers. RiMe, Rivista dell’Istituto di Storia dell’Europa Mediterranea, 8 (2): 11-41. https://rime.cnr.it/index.php/rime/article/view/536/801
  • Veracini, C. (2021). An early representation of a gorilla from fifteenth-century Central Asia. Primates 62, 457–462. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10329-021-00906-w
  • Hamón, L.A.S., Martinho, A.P., Ramos, M.R.& Aldaz, C.E.B. (2020). Do Spanish Students Become More Sustainable after the Implementation of Sustainable Practices by Universities? Sustainability, 12, 7502. https://doi.org/10.3390/su12187502
  • Ferreira da Silva, M.J., Paddock, C., Gerini, F. et al. (2020). Chasing a ghost: notes on the present distribution and conservation of the sooty mangabey (Cercocebus atys) in Guinea-Bissau, West Africa.Primates 61, 357–363 https://doi.org/10.1007/s10329-020-00817-2
  • Madeira, J. P. (2020). Desafíos de seguridad para los pequeños Estados insulares en desarrollo: el caso de Cabo Verde. Revista De Relaciones Internacionales, Estrategia Y Seguridad, 14(2), 155-177. https://doi.org/10.18359/ries.3756
  • Marujo. H. Á., Neto, L. M. & Casais, M. (2020). Enhancing collective happiness in the city: Felicitas publica and the availability of relational goods. Journal of Urban Regeneration and Renewal, 13(3), 308-319.
  • Marujo, H. Á., Neto, L. (2020). Integrating Community Indicators and Organizational Performance Measures. In F. Maggino (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
  • Oliveira, M.V.d.S.S., Simão, J. & Caeiro, S.S.F.d.S (2020). Stakeholders’ categorization of the sustainable public procurement system: the case of Brazil. Journal of Public Procurement, 20 (4), 423-449. https://doi.org/10.1108/JOPP-09-2018-0031
  • Sá, R. M. (2020). Qui-habitat. Coexistence or extinction of SARS-COV-2? Social Anthropology, 28(2), 344-345. https://doi.org/10.1111/1469-8676.12881
  • Veracini, C. (2020). A Landscape without Nonhuman Primates? The Case of the Barbary Macaque, Macaca sylvanus, (Linnaeus, 1758) and Its Interaction with Humans throughout Recorded Time. Humanities, 9(3), 92. https://doi.org/10.3390/h9030092
  • Araújo, M. L. Simpson, A. V., Marujo, H. Á. & Lopes, M. P. (2019). Selfless and strategic, interpersonal and institutional: a continuum of paradoxical organizational compassion dimensions. Journal of Political Power, 12(1), 16-39, DOI: 10.1080/2158379X.2019.1573611
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  • Marujo, H. Á., Neto, L. M. & Wissing, M. P. (2019). Conversations as carriers of meaning to a common good. Eloff, I. (Ed.). Handbook of Quality of Life in African Societies. (pp.113-121). Acessível em https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-15367-0_6
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  • Sá, R. M. (2019). O estabelecimento de um curso em Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente na Guiné-Bissau: Oportunidades, Constrangimentos e Desafios. Revista REMEA, 36(3), 336-355. https://doi.org/10.14295/remea.v36i3.9688
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  • Vaz-Fernandes, P., Caeiro, S. (2019). Students’ perceptions of a food safety and quality e-learning course: a CASE study for a MSC in food consumption. Int J Educ Technol High Educ 16, 37. https://doi.org/10.1186/s41239-019-0168-8


  • Veracini C. (2019). Natural history of non-human primates in the Early Modern period: the
    contribution of the Italian encyclopaedist Ulisse Aldrovandi (1522 -1605). In: Veracini, C. Casanova, C. Scalfari F Eds, History of Primatology: yesterday and today. The Mediterranean Tradition. Aracneditrice: Ariccia (RM, Italy). Pp: 53-91
  • Sineo L. & Veracini C. (2019). Primatology in the Italian universities: from the colonial
    experience to the end of the XX century. In, Veracini, C. Casanova & C. Scalfari F Eds, History of Primatology: yesterday and today. The Mediterranean Tradition. Aracneditrice: Ariccia (RM, Italy). Pp: 135-154.
  • Galleni L., Scalfari F. & Veracini C. (2019). The contribution of Teilhard de Chardin (1881-
    1955) to paleontology and evolution of non-human primates. In, Veracini, C. Casanova, C. & Scalfari F Eds, History of Primatology: yesterday and today. The Mediterranean Tradition. Aracneditrice: Ariccia (RM, Italy). Pp: 155-182
2023 2022 2020
  • Rui M. Sá. (Moderador) Sessão: 5. III International Meeting Histories of Nature and Environments: More than Just Biodiversity que decorreu na Escola Superior de Turismo e Tecnologia do Mar do Instituto Politécnico de Leiria em Peniche. 23 a 27 de novembro de 2022, Peniche.
  • Rui M. Sá. (Organizador) Painel: Contrainsurgências e Ecologias Pós-Coloniais: Narrativas Antropocénicas a partir de África (Painel 19). VIII Congresso da Associação Portuguesa de Antropologia: Os novos anos 20- Desafios, Incertezas e Resistências que decorreu na Universidade de Évora. 6 a 9 de setembro de 2022, Évora.
  • Rui M. Sá. (Organizador) Painel: Nature and human societies in the African Anthropocene (Painel 39). 11º Congresso Ibérico de Estudos Africanos que decorreu presencialmente na Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa. 6 a 8 de julho de 2022, Lisboa.
  • Rui M. Sá. (Apresentação de comunicação oral). Of Monkeys and Boys: Rites of Passage and Environmental Ontologies from West Africa. III International Meeting Histories of Nature and Environments: More than Just Biodiversity que decorreu na Escola Superior de Turismo e Tecnologia do Mar do Instituto Politécnico de Leiria em Peniche. 23 a 27 de novembro de 2022, Peniche.
  • Rui M. Sá. (Apresentação de comunicação oral). Percepções e atitudes de gestão de resíduos sólidos pelos comerciantes no porto de Alto Bandim em Bissau, Guiné-Bissau. 11º Congresso Ibérico de Estudos Africanos que decorreu presencialmente na Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa. 6 a 8 de julho de 2022, Lisboa
  • Veracini C. (2022). Agricultura e conflitos com animais na Ilha de Santiago (Cabo Verde). VIII Congresso APA, Associação Portuguesa de Antropologia, Évora, Sep. 2022, https://apa2022.apantropologia.org/
  • Veracini C. (2022). The Green Monkeys of Cabo verde (Chlorocebus sabaeus) preliminary notes on their interaction and conflicts with local people. 11° CIAE – Congresso Iberico de Estudos Africanos, Lisboa, 6-8 de Julho 2022. https://ciea11.pt/index.php/.
  • Veracini, C. (2022). Ecological and cultural aspects of the human – nonhuman primate interface in the island of Santiago (Cape Verde). VII Congresso Ibérico de Primatologia, Barcelona (SP), 5 a 8 de Outubro, 2022. https://www.apespain.org/congress/8ipc/
  • Veracini, C. (2022). Climate change, food security, biodiversity and public policies: human-wildlife conflicts in Santiago Island (CV). III HNE: International Meeting Histories of Nature and Environments: More than Just Biodiversity, Peniche. 23 a 27 de novembro de 2022, Peniche. https://hnemeeting3.wordpress.com/
  • Nhaga, N., Sá, M. R., & Veracini, C. (2022). “THE BUSH BABIES (GALAGIDAE, GRAY 1825) OF GUINEA-BISSAU: AN ETHNOPRIMATOLOGICAL STUDY.” XXVIII Conference of the International Primatological Society, Quito, Janeiro, 2022. On-line https://ipsquito.com/
  • Ubach-Torres, M. & Veracini, C. (2022). Creating a Microclimate for Marmosets and Tamarins: The Example of the Darwin Foundation. VII Congresso Ibérico de Primatologia, Barcelona (SP), 5 a 8 de Outubro, 2022. https://www.apespain.org/congress/8ipc/
  • Martinho, A.P., Vaz Fernandes, P. & Padrel de Oliveira C. (2020). UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMME IN ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES. In, Human and Artificial Intelligence for the Society of the Future European Distance and ELearning Network (EDEN) Proceedings, 2020 Annual Conference | Timisoara, 22.


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